PATENT #US10161112B2

Eliminate Your Labor
The IDigBest system offers secure, dependable, labor-saving excavation solutions. The excavator now serves as your grade pole. Whether it's the center, right, or left tooth needed, the operator can view real-time measurements on the screen. Additionally, an LED light at the base of the boom subtly directs the operator. There's no need for guesswork or estimating grades or distances. There's no risk to any individual. No need to worry about someone calling in sick. No room for mathematical mistakes. No room for excuses. Only precise grading.

IDigBest boasts numerous technological advancements and patented techniques for bucket control. A key element of the system is the high-speed triple-gyro bucket sensor, which offers continuous 360-degree roll and tilt capabilities. This feature enables the sensor to accurately measure yaw rates and maintain the desired trajectory. Additionally, the roll and tilt functionality distinguishes this system from others, as it allows for precise tracking of a 3D model through all rolls and curves, similar to a dozer system.

X-Ray Vision
Once a utility is identified, it is crucial to always keep it in focus. Access a comprehensive overview of the bucket's position in relation to the utility line on the screen in real-time. The nearest point of the bucket to the utility is consistently shown. Establish a "Safety Zone" to prevent any potential harm. An optional hydraulic kill feature is available if the "Safety Zone" is breached by any part of the bucket. We are at the forefront of the industry with our safer solutions.

PATENT #US10161112
Made in the
IDigBest is dedicated to providing machine control solutions and innovations to the excavating industry. The inspiration for our innovations, come from a life spend behind the joysticks. A lifetime of experiences guides our products. Our excavator dig system is leading the industry with the only true machine control system. IDigBest steers the bucket to hold grade. What separates us is the “feel” the operator retains. We deliver the most accurate results with simple 1 touch operations to tackle the most complex job sites. We give the operator all the tools at his fingertips to deliver a finish grade never before possible. This passion and technology is now the focus of the 3D V-Grader for skid steers and tractors. When accuracy and results matter…IDigBest delivers the best technology!!

Made in the
A new dimension in grading accuracy and versatility
PATENT #US12173470B2
The V-DOZER BLADE 3D AUTO GRADER has achieved maximum stability and accuracy through its Low Ground Pressure (LGP) design. The grading load has been spread out over 8’, achieving a result like no other design in any gradable material. Stability allows for grading at machines maximum ground speed. Wheel or track machines handle the same. The stable, highly sharpened bi-directional cutting surfaces allow for superior results no matter the degree of tilt, roll or complex angle. This design allows for high speed grading without the possibility of “crashing” below grade. The 3D grader multiplies your speed and accuracy. The breakthrough design allows for the V ANGLE to stabilize above the finished surface. The V follows the cutting serface unlike other old-fashion designs that rely using wheels in front of the cutting edge. The result is a grader needing to make 1/10 the correction distance resulting in the finest grade achievable. Simple and easy operation on all Skid Steers, Front End Loaders and Articulated loaders.
Concrete Sub-grade, Fine Finish Grade, Athletic Fields, Parking Lots, Walking Paths, Horse Arenas, Golf Course Renovations and Tennis Courts. --(Only Grader made to spread Pee Gravel)--